Kintura Graphic Standards

Display Typeface

Scotia Village Retirement Community uses a display typeface for cover titles, large text, subheads and quotes.

Roboto Slab

The primary display typeface for Scotia Village is Roboto Slab. This typeface family consists of three weights: light, regular and bold.

Body Copy Typeface

Proxima Nova

Scotia Village uses a sans-serif typeface for body copy.

The primary body copy typeface for Scotia Village is Proxima Nova. This typeface family consists of three weights: light, regular and bold.

System Typeface

System fonts should be used only when the display and body copy typefaces are not available.


The serif system typeface for Scotia Village is Georgia. This typeface family consists of two weights: regular and bold.


The san-serif system typeface for Scotia Village is Arial. This typeface family consists of two weights: regular and bold.